Like other person, we have our own toolkit. Programmer are similar to mathematician and magician. Why? Because Programmer play with logic , numbers . Magician play with your brain and mathematician like us numbers and logic. We start our show in a moment.
bool : In golang only true and false are allowed. if you use 0 for true and 1 for false or vice versa then you have to convert into before play.
string : In golang string as literal commonly used.
var s string = "hello"
s := "hello"
both are valid cases.
rune : What's is that? Golang provide you new data type for utf8 or unicode data. Rune data also called unicode. You know other languages are not supported by computer. Sometime we need a key that represent a word in any language. With the help of Unicode you can write dozens of words in any language. More information check Unicode Officials Site. If we want manipulation on the data, first we need to convert into numbers or strings or byte. Go files follow UTF8-Scheme.
Golang have few interesting properties
1. At least more than one variables assign values in one time.
var x int = 1
var a, b int , int = 0,1
var c, d int , float64 = 3, 3.44
2. Swaps data without extra memory
var x,y = 3,4
x,y = y,x
3. Golang compilation speed much faster than other languages.
4. Golang commonly used in microservices.
Generally const are special kind of variables which value remain constant throughout our program. const pi = 3.14
const (
height = 1024
width = 724
Generally const are special kind of variables which value remain constant throughout our program. const pi = 3.14
const (
height = 1024
width = 724
In golang constant are in two types one called untyped constants and type constants
Untyped Constants
Constants are very much powerful in golang language. Untyped Constants are good choice for numerical problems.
var f float64 = float64(3.3)
f = float64('a')
Short name also categorize in this type because compiler assign type based on value.
i := 3 // untyped variable not constant
Constants are very much powerful in golang language. Untyped Constants are good choice for numerical problems.
var f float64 = float64(3.3)
f = float64('a')
Short name also categorize in this type because compiler assign type based on value.
i := 3 // untyped variable not constant
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