Recently i'm starting reading about blockchain. I know lot of people are not very comfortable with this idea. Some people mock on your face. Criminals and hackers are used this technology. It's is not legal and so on. They will tell about the dark side of technology, if you invest in this technology , you will bankrupt or may be your account hack. If you're not comfortable with technology then you can skip this blog.
Let me start with bitcoin terminology.
Bitcoin is not a actually coin. Bitcoin is a peer to peer and decentralize network. Bitcoin use blockchain technology. Blockchain is distributed-ledger for bitcoin . Once you upload data on blockchain you cannot remove or change the state of block.
In peer to peer network bob send payment to alice. This type of network architecture are little different, Server and clients are closely bound with each other just like bitTorrent network.
When i study blockchain, my first view is similar like linked list. Later, i found this is a completely wrong idea. Consensus protocols and CAP algorithm are core of blockchain. One of the problem that you can solve, BFT. CAP algorithm solve BFT problem.
Let say alice send a message.
First step h(message), the output of h is fixed sized length (32bit) Hexadecimal
Second send h(alice-address), the output of h is on root. Which is again hash. This is the currently address of block on blockchain
Merkle-tree are similar like binary tree but in return root which is the calculated hash. Alice address hash with message
Merkel Tree solve double spending problem because you can verify only your message on blockchain, which will discuss with you in next article. Have a good day
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